Monday, April 12, 2021

Odyssey 2020 - video recordings and slides

Odyssey 2020: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop was hosted by NEC Corporation and Tokyo Institute of Technology in Tokyo, Japan, on Nov 02-05, 2020. The workshop is an ISCA tutorial and research workshop held in cooperation with the ISCA Speaker and Language Characterization special interest group. For the first time, Odyssey 2020 featured a tutorial day on Nov 01, 2020, before the Odyssey 2020 workshop. The tutorial day further strengthened the Odyssey 2020 as an ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW).

The need for fast, efficient, accurate, and robust means of recognizing people and languages is of growing importance for commercial, forensic, and government applications. The aim of this workshop is to continue to foster interactions among researchers in speaker and language recognition as the successor of previous successful events held in Martigny (1994), Avignon (1998), Crete (2001), Toledo (2004), San Juan (2006), Stellenbosch (2008), Brno (2010), Singapore (2012), Joensuu (2014), Bilbao (2016) and Les Sables d’Olonne (2018).

Video recordings:
Conference website: